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We collect your data to improve your user experience by tailoring our services to your interests and needs.

We are transparent about the data we collect about you and why we do so.

Our goal is to offer you the best possible experience. Therefore, when we use your personal information, we will always comply with regulations, and when necessary, request your consent.

We understand that your data belongs to you. Therefore, if you choose not to allow us to process it, you can request that we stop doing so.

Our priority is to ensure your safety and handle your data in accordance with European regulations.

Detailed Information

  • Who is responsible for processing your personal data?

    Identity: Arlinsa, UAB

    Registered office: Vilnius, Architektų g. 56-101, LT-04111, Lithuania

    Identification: 306736720

    Email: contact@anbcrypto.com

    Arlinsa, UAB has appointed a Data Protection Officer or an internal contact person within its organization. If you wish to make an inquiry regarding the processing of your personal data, you may contact them via the above email.

  • What personal data do we collect?

    • First and Last Name
    • Phone Number
    • Address and Postal Code
    • Email
    • Payment Details
    • Location

    In some cases, it is mandatory to complete the registration form to access and enjoy certain services offered on the website. Similarly, not providing the requested personal data or not accepting this data protection policy will make it impossible to subscribe, register, or participate in any promotions that require personal data.

  • Why and for what purpose do we process your data?

    At Arlinsa, UAB, we process the information provided by interested parties for the following purposes:

    • Manage the sending of the requested information, as well as any other inquiries you may have that are not subject to the terms of the website or service contracts.
    • Develop commercial actions and maintain and manage the relationship with the user, as well as manage the services offered through the website and information tasks.
    • Develop and organize promotional activities.
    • In some cases, it will be necessary to provide information to authorities or third-party companies for auditing purposes, as well as to handle personal data from invoices, contracts, and documents to respond to customer or public administration claims.
  • What is the legal basis for processing your data?

    The processing of your data may be based on the following legal grounds:

    • Consent of the interested party for the contracting of services through the contact form, information requests, or newsletter subscriptions (subscription to our Blog).
    • Legitimate interest in processing customer data for direct marketing actions and the express consent of the interested party for automatic evaluations and profiling.
    • Compliance with legal obligations for fraud prevention, communication with public authorities, and third-party claims.
  • How long do we keep your data?

    The processing of data for the purposes described will be maintained for as long as strictly necessary to fulfill the purpose of its collection (for example, as long as the commercial relationship lasts) and to comply with the legal obligations arising from the processing of data.

  • To whom are your data communicated?

    In some cases, only when necessary, Arlinsa, UAB will provide user data to third parties. However, the data will never be sold to third parties. External service providers (e.g., payment providers or delivery companies) working with Arlinsa, UAB may use the data to provide the corresponding services, but they will not use this information for their own purposes or share it with third parties.

User Rights

In accordance with GDPR, you may request:

  • Right of access and rectification (Art. 15 and 16 GDPR and 13 and 14 LOPDGDD).
  • Right to erasure and right to be forgotten (Art. 17 GDPR and 15 LOPDGDD).
  • Right to restrict processing.
  • Right to object (Art. 21 and 22 GDPR and 18 LOPDGDD).
  • Right to data portability (Art. 20 GDPR and 17 LOPDGDD).
  • Right not to be subject to individualized decisions.

Responsibility and Security

Arlinsa, UAB guarantees the security of personal data when they are sent outside the company and ensures that external service providers respect confidentiality and have appropriate measures to protect personal data. These third parties must ensure that the information is processed in accordance with data privacy regulations.

Links and Cookies

For more information on how we use cookies and about links to other websites, please see our cookies policy.

The ANB® brand belongs to Arlinsa, UAB.